Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sidewalk Circus

Fleischman, Paul. SIDEWALK CIRCUS. Illus. Paul Hawkes. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press, 2004.

I really liked Sidewalk Circus since it forces the reader to use their imagination while reading the story. The story is about a little girl who is setting on a bus bench who sees a marquee advertising that the circus coming to town. She starts to imagine the circus with the people around the area. I loved the illustrations in the story, and how they lead to the use of imagination. One of the illustrations that I really remember is the one with the man unloading at the butcher shop, but his shadow on the wall is of the strong man. I also liked the end of the story after the little girl leaves a little boy sits on the same bench and starts to imagine the circus in his on mind with the on going environment.

1 comment:

Aspiring Teacher: said...

I agree. It is important to stimulate children to use their imagination, and picture books with no words will accomplish this goal. Yet, the teacher has to be creative to produce positive results. I believe that you will be successful. Good luck!