Thursday, March 27, 2008

Craft Lesson 7

Stuart’s Cape

by Sara Pennypacker

Resource Materials:

Pennypacker, Sara. Stuart's Cape. Illus. Martin Matje. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc., 2002.


Most children have some kind of adventure that they may use their imagination for. During Stuart’s Cape the little boy uses a certain object (his cape) to make these adventures come alive.

How to teach it:

I would like to have the students use found objects to create something they would imagine to give them super powers. Once they have completed their creation, they would write a short essay of all of the adventures that they could imagine while using their object.

1 comment:

René Saldaña, Jr. said...

I love it that you would base the writing on a found object. Nothing huge and fancy, but something, anything around the house, in the neighborhood, in the classroom, etc.