Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Minn and Jake Part 2

Wong, Janet S. Minn and Jake. Illus. Genevieve Cote. New York, NY: Frances Foster Books, 2003.

After reading the rest of Minn and Jake, it turned out to be a great book for children to read. It can show children that it is alright to be different from other people, that first impressions may not always stand true, and that you can take a stand and befriend the person that others may not want to accept. I loved that although Minn and Jake had their differences in the beginning, they were able to work through those differences and become best friends.

The way in which it was written, the words on the page, was intriguing as well. Having read traditional books (of course) this was a little difficult to get used to. I first thought this was going to be poetry. I wonder if this will challenge young minds by having them read something that is not of the “normal” format.

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