Wong, Janet S. Apple Pie 4th of July. Illus. Margaret Chodos-Irvine.
As posted in my blog for “Buzz”, this book, first and foremost, is a fantastic example of letting the illustrations tell more of the story than the words. You can journey through the emotions that the young girl is feeling throughout the day, just by the expressions on her face. What I also thought was great about “Apple Pie 4th of July” was that it showed how different cultures celebrate an “American” holiday, and how the different generations view that holiday, even within one family. The parents seeing it as a normal work day, and knowing that sooner or later the customers will show up. Their young daughter is upset with the fact that she has to be at the restaurant on 4th of July. The parents are content to stay inside and tend the restaurant when and all little girl wants to do is go out and enjoy the parade with everybody else in the town. Then she gets a great surprise when customers start to show up for dinner and finally gets her wish to enjoy apple pie and watch fireworks with her family and friends.
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